All boats must be in the pits for registration and inspection. In-state boats by 10:00 A.M., out-of-state
boats by 11:00 A.M. Any boat not complying with this rule will start on the outside and behind the first boat for both
heat races. The drivers’ meeting will be held at 11:00 A.M. Inspection forms and sign-in must be completed
before entering the water.
All drivers and co-pilots must attend the drivers’ meeting for their boat to be eligible for competition
that day.
A final inspection of any boat may be made at any time by an Authorized Official.
Any boat entering in a club sanctioned event and found to have a driver or co-pilot that is not a club member,
or has not signed releases, will lose all points for that days event.
All drivers and co-pilots must sign in for each and every boat that they will be in during that day's event.
If either the driver or co-pilot does not sign in, the boat they are in will not receive any points for that day's events.
All courses shall be set up by sanctioned club members. Any problems with the course layout should be
brought up at the drivers meeting. Subsequent changes are up to the club officer's decision.
All boats upon pre-race inspection must have the chain coupling removed or the V-Drive in neutral.
All boats must be weighted and measured prior to the championship race. There must be a majority of the
club officers present at that time. The scale shall be one, approved by the club officers. If a boat is in need
of weights, the boat owner must state on a diagram where the weights are distributed and it must be given to the club officers
at that time.
Any infraction of the rules that do not have a penalty assigned will be handled by a verbal warning for the
first offense. The second offense will cause loss of the days points. Example: cutting off, or unsportsmanlike
conduct. See Gen. rule #3, conduct # 29 & #42
All boats must have a "MERCURY TYPE" kill switch.
One person per boat will be allowed at races where the ramp is close to the pit area to run the boat to the
pit area or back to the ramp. The boat may travel the course and may be on plane but NOT at speed. No exceptions.
If there is any change to this rule you will be notified when you sign in. See ambulance rule.
All life jackets and helmets must be visually present at the time of inspection of the boat.
Drivers will draw "out of the hat" for lanes at the drivers meeting, unless subject to rules for new driver,
assessed penalty for late show up, conduct, day boat, etc. A driver can request the outside lane if he feels it may
be necessary, but the flag and safety boats must be advised if he will lag behind to prevent a false red flag start.