The engine of any boat may be protested at any time by any boat owner of that competing class, by means of
a protest delivered in writing to any official for a fee. A fee of $150.00 for the top half of the engine, and an ADDITIONAL
$250.00 to teardown the bottom half. (The only way to teardown the bottom half will be a complete teardown.) A
complete teardown will be $400.00. Such a protest must be signed by all protesting parties. If the engine is found legal,
the money will be given to the protested boat owner. Fee will be refunded to the protester if the engine is found to
be illegal, or if the protested boat refuses teardown. Teardown will be conducted within twenty-four (24) hours after
the protest is received, if possible. The owner may also have his own mechanic perform the teardown, but at the OWNER’S
expense, with three (3) engine committee members present.
In the event a boat is found illegal by the engine committee, the boat will lose all points up to and including
that day. The points will go to the remaining boats that competed in that class, in the order they finished in any race
run with the offending boat. A minimum of three (3) engine committee members, or 2 engine AND one officer or
executive committee member must be present (all without conflict of interest, rule # 41), in order to render a decision. Only
boat owners, drivers, co-pilots, mechanics, and engine committee members or officers will be present. Any boat refusing
teardown will suffer the aforementioned consequences. The protested boat is eligible to run the following week.
Year end teardowns will follow the same procedures, (without the fees), with the overall class to prove legality of all
champions. Any boat found to be illegal more than twice in one season will not be able to compete for the rest of the